Clubs & Organizations
Many of the residents in Platteville take advantage of the community-oriented programs that allow them to have fun and meet other residents while they give something back to the community they call home. Platteville is very volunteer-oriented with many active service clubs. These numerous clubs and organizations in Platteville offer residents a myriad of ways to get involved with the community.
Organization Directory
Kathy KoppEmail Address
kopper415@gmail.comThe 4th of July is a privately funded event put on by citizens of Platteville, WI. This event is not possible without the support of the many donors and volunteers that help each year. If you would like to see this tradition continue, please consider making a donation or volunteer your time to help plan and run this years event.

Paul BuddenPhone Number
(608) 732-9113Website organization to support and assist veterans. Meetings held the second Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Platteville VFW. Steak feed held first Saturday night of each month, serving 5-8 p.m at the Platteville Golf & Country Club.

Bob HundhausenPhone Number
(608) 852-7887Non-profit fundraising organization. The corporation is organized exclusively to assist in carrying out educational, scientific and charitable purposes in and about the City of Platteville. The specific purposes shall be to:
-Promote the historic preservation of buildings in the City of Platteville.
-Develop and improve public and private educational and recreational facilities serving the Platteville area, including, but not limited to the area included in the Platteville School District.
-Promote and fund educational, scientific and charitable activities in the City of Platteville and the Platteville School District.
-Engage in such other general activities which are supportive of purely educational, scientific and charitable purposes.
Building Platteville has a revolving loan fund available for these purposes.
Phone Number
608-485-1545Email Address
Phone Number
608-348-5787Email Address
http://claritywi.comOur vision is to be a beacon in the tri-state area through truthful education, compassionate care, and the building up of women and men in an unplanned pregnancy to build stronger families and communities.
Events: Community education, STD testing, pregnancy testing, options consultation, limited OB ultrasounds, First Steps (a Parenting Earn-While-You-Learn Education), annual auction and banquet. Volunteer opportunities include event planning, parenting education mentor, boutique assistant, and patient advocate.
Hours: Clinic: Monday, Tuesday, and Friday 9am-4pm, First Steps: Tuesday and Thursday 10am-4pm.

Vicki FlynnPhone Number
(608) 348-9674Email Address
elks1460@yahoo.comThis Fraternal Order was founded "To promote and practice the four cardinal virtues of Charity, Justice, Brotherly Love, and Fidelity; to promote the welfare and enhance the happiness of its members; to quicken the spirit of American Patriotism and cultivate good fellowship." Our meetings are held on the 1st Tuesday of each month at O E Gray. All meetings begin at 7 p.m.

Melissa PalfreyPhone Number
(608) 348-5995Email Address
community@familyadv.orgWebsite prevention and intervention services to victims/survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse and elder abuse. Services include emergency shelter, peer counseling, support groups, legal advocacy, medical advocacy and criminal justice advocacy.
Hours: 24 hours/7 days a week
Emergency/Crisis Hotline: (800) 924-2624

Kimberly SchmitzPhone Number
(608) 348-2846Email Address
kim.familyconnections@gmail.comFamily Connections is a trusted resource that helps prepare, educate and support families, childcare providers and the public.
Hours: Monday-Thursday 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
Kimberly JacobsonPhone Number
608-723-3355Email Address
familypromisegrantco@gmail.comPhone Number
800-704-8555Email Address
fostergrandparents@swcap.orgSeniors providing volunteer assistance at schools for students with special needs. The local Foster Grandparent Program is sponsored by Southwestern Wisconsin Community Action Program (SWCAP). Qualified volunteers receive a tax free hourly stipend for volunteered hours. Paid training, meal allowance, travel allowance, paid holidays, and earned paid time off.
Erik FleschPhone Number
(608) 348-3301Email Address
museums@platteville.orgWebsite Friends of The Mining & Rollo Jamison Museums support the museums through volunteers and fundraising. It supports such special events such as Heritage Day and the Christmas Exhibit.
Charisse OrthPhone Number
608-723-2125Email Address
Linda HahnPhone Number
608-778-8169Email Address
PO Box 105, Lancaster, WI 53813Website
http://grantcountycancerco.orgPhone Number
262-442-2130Email Address
grantcodairypromo@gmail.comPhone Number
(608) 723-4925Email Address
http://grantcountyhistory.orgThe Grant County Historical Society oversees the operation of two area museums: Cunningham Museum in Lancaster and Mitchell Rountree Stone Cottage in Platteville.
Hours: Monday-Friday 1-4 p.m. (Cunningham Museum)
Saturdays 10am-4pm May-October (Stone Cottage)
Phone Number
608-723-6416Email Address
health@co.grant.wi.govWebsite are a non-profit Medicare-licensed hospice that has served patients at the end of life and their loved ones for over 30 years. Hospice care focuses on medical and personal comfort for people in their last months, weeks or days of life. Our staff will make visits and care for patients and families in the comfort of their own homes. This includes private homes, assisted living facilities and nursing homes.
Amanda CauffmanPhone Number
608-723-2125Email Address
amanda.cauffman@wisc.eduThe Extension Master Gardener Program educates, empowers, and supports volunteers to use University research-based info to extend the Wisconsin idea, making a positive difference in lives and communities.
Meetings: Third Thursday of each month, except December and January.
Events: Annual plant sale at Lancaster, Grant County fair, Farmer’s Market in Platteville, 4-H Project Day in Lancaster
Email Address
Wally TroutenPhone Number
(608) 642-0276Email Address
fran@holzerappraisal.comWebsite Lodge No. 2 Free and Accepted Masons of Wisconsin is a fraternal, charitable organization.
Meetings are the first Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. (except July & August)
Sheila KelleyPhone Number
608-348-2615Email Address
PO Box 46, Platteville, WI 53818
Phone Number
(608) 348-9934Email Address
peak@platteville.orgThe Platteville Area Senior Services/PEAK program offers lifelong fitness, social, recreational, educational and cultural opportunities for area residents over age 50.
Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 9 a.m.- 3 p.m.
Angie WrightEmail Address
Phone Number
(608) 331-7022Email Address
plattevillearboretum@gmail.comOur mission is to connect the Platteville community to the Rountree Branch corridor through recreation, conservation, and environmental education.

Jan WeierPhone Number
(608) 778-3344Email Address or barb@cfsw.orgThe Platteville Community Fund works to build endowments through charitable giving, thereby providing continuity of support over time to Platteville through grants supporting local projects focused on art and culture, education, health and human services, environment and historic preservation.
Grant application deadlines are April 15 and Sept. 15. The grant application must be completed online at
Cheryl SchmiederPhone Number
(608) 732-6544Email Address
pvcommunitytheatre@gmail.comPCT is a group of community members who promote theatre and the arts in the Platteville community. PCT was begun in 1980 and averages 2-3 shows per year. PCT shows are held in the Municipal Auditorium in City Hall. Anyone in the community and from the surrounding tri-state area is welcome to join. PCT is a 2-time winner of the state AACT-Fest competition and likes to promote local talent.
Roberta BussPhone Number
608-348-8888Email Address
http://plattevilledairydays.comMeetings are on the first Wednesday of each month at the Platteville Regional Chamber or Legion Park.
Andrea DroesslerPhone Number
(608) 778-8572Email Address
Email Address
plattevillejaycee@hotmail.comThe Platteville Jaycees contribute to the advancement of the global community by providing the opportunity for young people to develop their leadership skills, social responsibility, entrepreneurship and fellowship.
They meet the first Thursday of each month at 7 p.m., June-September at the Legion Park Shelter, May-October at Pioneer Lanes.

Kathy Kopp, Bev JohansenPhone Number
(608) 348-6628Email Address
plattevillekiwanisclub@gmail.comProjects include: youth baseball, swim team, scholarships, assisted living visits, peanut sales, pancake breakfasts, cream puff sales and more.
Meetings are held Tuesdays every week at noon via Zoom
Lori LaufenbergPhone Number
608-348-7441Email Address
foundation@plattevillepubliclibrary.orgMeetings are every 2nd Tuesday of the month at 5pm at the Platteville Public Library
Dan Anderson, PresidentPhone Number
(608) 712-1351The group meets the first Wednesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. at Pioneer Lanes.

Michael WalshPhone Number
(608) 348-4505Email Address
director@plattevillemainstreet.comThe Platteville Main Street Program is a non-profit organization that advocates for the restoration and preservation of the historic character of downtown while pursuing traditional economic development strategies.

Email Address
info@plattevilleoptimist.orgThe Platteville Optimist Club was formed in 1919 and charted in 1968. Its membership currently consists of 85 community-minded men and women. The motto is "A Friend of Youth." Optimist International's mission is to provide hope and a positive vision to bring out the best in kids.
Meetings are held Fridays at 7 a.m. at Country Kitchen.

Cindy MartensPhone Number
(608) 732-4650Email Address
snetram1234@gmail.comPlatteville Quota Club Inc's mission is to create and develop service projects relating to hearing and speech, disadvantaged persons, and community service.
The group meets at noon on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month.
Phone Number
(608) 348-7947Email Address
plattevillethriftshop@centurylink.netOffer low-cost clothing, household items and other items to community and surrounding area.
Open Monday-Friday 9a.m. - 5p.m. and Saturday 9a.m. - 4p.m.

Angie WrightPhone Number
(608) 778-9652Email Address
rotaryclubofswwi@gmail.comThe mission of the Rotary Club of SW Wisconsin/Platteville is to unite problem solvers around the globe to do good. Our members strive to bring communities together to create lasting change.
The group meets the first and third Thursday of the month at noon at A&W Restaurant.
Bill MitchellPhone Number
608-676-0609Email Address
http://rountreegallery.orgRountree Gallery offers local art exhibits, open studio, family and adult classes, ethnic foods, comedy nights, poetry slams, open mic, local music, dancing and theater.
Meetings are held every third Monday of the month at 5:30pm at 120 W. Main St.
Rountree Gallery at Platteville Public Library is available at 225 W. Main Street in the Community Room and second floor lobby.
United Methodist ChurchPhone Number
(608) 348-9508Pop-up pantries are held the first Thursday of each month. Bring two large containers. Registration begins at 4:30 p.m., distribution is from 4:30-6:30 p.m. There is a $25 donation required.

Dick DaviesPhone Number
(608) 778-4029Email Address
http://beascout.orgYouth development program focusing on strong character, leadership and citizenship.

Andrew PlumbPhone Number
(608) 213-3219Email Address
http://beascout.orgYouth development program focusing on strong character, leadership and citizenship.
Brian LarsonPhone Number
(608) 223-9121Email Address
http://secondharvestmadison.orgThe Platteville Food bank is located at St. Mary's Catholic Church, 131 W. Cedar St. in Platteville on the third Friday of every month, starting at 9:30 a.m. It will operate for about an hour or until food runs out.
Leon NeuheiselPhone Number
608-642-0135Email Address
PO Box 607, Platteville, WI 5381All children deserve a safe, comfortable place to lay their heads. Too many boys and girls go without a bed—or even a pillow—to sleep on. These children end up sleeping on couches, blankets, and even floors. This can affect their happiness and health.
That’s where Sleep in Heavenly Peace comes in. We’re a group of volunteers dedicated to building, assembling and delivering top-notch bunk beds to children and families in need.
Our chapter is a 100% volunteer organization. Your donation stays in our community and serves kiddos right here.

Phone Number
(608) 348-2231Since 1999, dedicated volunteers, friends and staff have given much of themselves to ensure the success of our local healthcare system through the Southwest Health Foundation. Foundation donors have provided financial support for the construction of the new health center and they continue to be active in shaping the future of healthcare.

Jessica FuerstenbergPhone Number
(608) 723-6659Email Address
jfuerstenberg@socinc.orgWebsite Opportunities Center, Inc. (SOC) is a private, non-profit 501(c)(3) Community Rehabilitation Center. Since 1988, they have been dedicated to providing employment and programming for adults with disabilities who live in Grant County and the surrounding communities in Southwest Wisconsin.
Mark Stead or Dan & Paula CushmanEmail Address
cushnkauf@hotmail.comThe club promotes, collects and restores antique cars and trucks.
Meetings are held the second Wednesday of each month, except December. Locations for meetings changes monthly.
Jamie CollinsEmail Address
Sheri Engelke or Mary KlauerPhone Number
(608) 778-9587Email Address
unitedwayofplatteville@gmail.comThe mission of our local United Way is to increase the community's ability to care for its members by raising and distributing funds to agencies and organizations while evaluating their effectiveness and efficiency. The corporation is a private, non-profit, volunteer organization dedicated to uniting the entire community in support of a broad spectrum of individual agency programs that provide health and human services vital to the people of the community.
Our purpose:
1. To serve as a central fundraising agency for human service programs for selected agencies.
2. To serve as a community-wide forum for identifying the needs for human services.
3. To act as a central instrument through which the whole community can both support and make use of the agencies that perform those services.
4. To provide an effective voice for ensuring that these services are performed according to the high standards of quality, efficiency and economy.
5. To promote cooperation among the United Way organizations striving for a united appeal, while maintaining their individuality to best meet the needs of the community.

Alumni & FriendsPhone Number
(608) 342-1181 or 800-897-2586Email Address
foundation@uwplatt.eduThe UW-Platteville Foundation is the recognized 501(c)(3) public charity that was established to assist UWP by receiving, managing, administering and dispersing private gifts for the benefit of UWP.
Jim KnautzPhone Number
(608) 348-8883Email Address
jpknautz@hotmail.comMeetings are held the first Tuesday of every month at 7 p.m at the VFW.
Gary TuescherPhone Number
(608) 778-8628Email Address
garytuescher@centurytel.netMeetings are held the third Tuesday of each month at V.F.W. Post 5274 at 5 p.m.

Sandy JonesPhone Number
(608) 348-3719Website group meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month at the V.F.W. Post at 4:30 p.m.

Brent Bowers, Executive DirectorPhone Number
(608) 348-9689Email Address
wiscbadgercamp@centurytel.netWebsite Badger Camp, Inc. strives to provide quality education and recreation experiences for individuals with developmental disabilities in an outdoor setting.